Ik was direct compleet gefascineerd door het beeld dat dit jaar als boegbeeld van de kunstbeurs diende: 'Kim de Weijer as amputee with 3 pistols' van de in Amsterdam wonende en werkende Brit Thom Puckey.

Dit beeld greep me. Bij de strot (zoals ze dat zo mooi zeggen..). Niet omdat ze geamputeerde armen heeft. Niet omdat ze half naakt is. Niet omdat ze is afgebeeld met drie pistolen. Niet omdat het de 'schaamteloze' kunstenares Kim de Weijer verbeeldt. Maar omdat het materiaal (marmer) zo'n contrast vormt met het tafereel. Het wringt en trekt en schuurt. Prachtig.
Dit zegt Thom trouwens zelf over de vreemde en fascinerende combinatie van zachte matrassen (of kussens), naakte vrouwen en wapens in zijn werken:
"The pillows, cushions and mattresses are sometimes ways I choose to avoid using little pedestals and bases under the feet or bodies of the figures. It’s nice that their softness rhymes with the softness of the figures. In addition they form a strong contrast with the hardness and angularity present in the weapons. A cushion is also a thing to present something else on, a place of honour in a way. Thus my figures are presented to the world.
There’s a lot to say about the nude female figures and the weapons. Lots to say and nothing to explain. The contrast between them is obvious: woman as giver of life (potentially) and weapon as taker-away of life (potentially). The visual appearance of both items has held me and fascinated me since I can remember. it’s akin sometimes to an adolescent’s fascination, irresponsible, I have to admit it. It’s strange: the nude has been a subject for sculpture, through the centuries. Weapons and violence have also figured in art & sculpture, for centuries. The nude with gun, this image, has evolved more recently, in sub cultures, seedy or whatever. I combine and mix all these things, different traditions, antique and less antique. The Freudian connotations of guns/bodies are exquisitely obvious, pure kitsch, I love them.
The sculptures aren’t saying anything in any direct fashion. They are composed of contradictions, yet they are beautiful. The viewer walks away with complex, unresolved feelings. That’s the ideal outcome, nothing’s finalised, the matter remains in the mind, like I said – unresolved. It stays with you."

Maar het liefste had ik toch figuratief werk van hem in Zwolle gezien.. zoals 'Undignified fall' dat in Londen staat. ...eh.. ligt. ...eh.. valt.
Ander mooi werk van Thom Puckey vind ik 'The wife of the alchemist' (links) en 'Beretta 92' (rechts).

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